4. Mesh Analysis and Supermesh

Mesh Analysis

We can also use the mesh current method to analyze frequency-domain circuits. The procedures used in frequency-domain applications are the same as those used in analyzing resistive circuits.


The constraint equations for the circuit are:
I2 = -4/0°
Ix = I4 - I2 = I4 + 4/0°
I3 = 2Ix = 2I4 + 8/0°

The KVL equations for mesh 1 and mesh 4 are:
-j1I1 + 1AI1 - I3B = -12/0°
j1(I4 - I3) + 1(I4 - I2) + 1I4 = 0

Note that if the constraint equations are substituted into the second KVL equation, the
only unknown in the equation is I4. This substitution yields
I4 = +4/143.13°A
and hence,
Vo = +4/143.13°V

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